Anne's Stuff

Friday, June 16, 2006

Surfer's Paradise from Mt Tamborine - May 2006
Jon and Robyn Posted by Picasa

May 2006 Holiday

We had a two-week holiday flying to the Gold Coast and staying with Jon (brother) and Robyn at Mt Tamborine for several nights. We went for lots of walks in the bush land around the mountain and visited the Botanical Gardens nearby. The roads are VERY STEEP in Mt Tamborine and there are magnificent views out to Surfers Paradise on the coast and the ocean beyond.

On the Friday we flew to Sydney where we stayed with Andrew (another brother). Drew drove us to see his new flat in Bellvue Hill. It is a pleasant downhill walk from there to Bondi Beach where Drew surfs (uphill on the way back, but not too steep).

On the Monday we hired a car and drove down the coast staying the first night at Kiama, a beautiful little town with a very interesting hinterland. However, we decided it would not be a good place to stay during the summer months because of the crowds as the beaches are perfect and the surf great!

Next day poured with rain as we arrived at Heather and Peter's place in Lilli Pilli just south of Bateman's Bay. We stayed with them for two nights and went for walks in the rain and the next day visited the local, relatively new (10 years old) botanical gardens. Heather volunteers her time at the gardens as a guide. In the 24 hours they had 4.5 inches of rain which was most welcomed as it has been very dry up there.

Next day we drove to Malacoota but did not find anywhere we wanted to stay so headed to Gipsy Point. Wow! If you ever want a peaceful get-away this is the place. We stayed in a 5 star unit overlooking the river and watched the birds and kangaroos from the loungeroom. In the middle of the night, there was a big thumping noise. Dario got up to investigate and there on the front verandah was a roo sheltering from the rain.
Next morning as we sat eating breakfast, a workman came around onto the verandah with scoop and broom to sweep up the "roo poo".

Genoa Point is close by so we decided to climb to the lookout - about 2 hrs return. We were nearly at the top when my foot slipped into a shallow hollow and BANG! I broke my ankle again! It was a rather painful trip back down the hill hobbling along with a stick, leaning on Dario in front of me, when the path was too rocky or too steep.

East coast holiday May 2006

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Early morning at Gipsy Point

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